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The new edgebander Casadei is conceived for craftsman and small to medium industry looking for reliability and flexibility, even under conditions of intense work


Hardness: The machine frame, processing speed and extremely flexible units allow increasing of the productivity and realisation of any kind of processing.
Precision and feed speed: The feeding chain track and extendable roller support assure precise feeding even in case of big panel dimensions. The machine allows application of edges up to 6 mm. on panels with max. 60 mm. thickness.
The rounding unit Round A/1 assures high productivity and perfect finishing


Technical data

Flexa 27

Panel thickness 8 (12) ÷ 60 mm
Strip edging thickness 0,3 ÷ 6 mm
Thickness coil edging 0,3 ÷ 3 mm
Feed speed 10 m/min
Flexa 27_EN_FR Download
Flexa 27_EN_DE Download
Flexa 27_IT_ES Download
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